May 10, 2010 -- Life changing moment to my country and my fellow country men. Why?
because first automated election was conducted here in my country. The PCOS MACHINE that is powered by SMARTMATIC Not only that, it is also my first time to vote in my entire life and I'm proud to be a responsible voter and be part of this Historical event. :)
I just hope the one I voted will win and make a change for out country. *fingers-crossed* In a matter of hours,A new president will be hailed! It's kinda nerve-wracking. This is even better than Horror movies. SRSLY. It's time for change! :D
50M voters - Largest amount of voters in the History of the Phils.
The Philippines, right?
Man, it must be an awesome feeling to know that you're part of an advancing democracy. I hope all goes well over there...
Yes! It feels really good for the first time.. now that our country uses hi-tech machines now.. :D